Friday, August 21, 2009

I Heart Kate Spade apologies AGAIN for not posting in so long
but there's a good excuse for it! I lost my camera
that had a ton of pictures I wanted to post online :(
I know...*sadness*
In the meantime, I saw some of the new
stuff Kate Spade's collection has in store
which I absolutely adore - all the bright colors
I'm in love

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Song I wrote

So I thought I would share the words

to one of the songs I've written

But before I do, let me give a brief explanation

as to the purpose for the song...

Originally I wrote it after heading to

the store one afternoon and coming across

a couple who was fighting, with nothing but

horrible, degrading words spewing out of this guys

mouth towards the woman he was with.

I wondered if he beat her at home...

I was concerned...

And it stayed with me for several days

That, and things like it stir me up to do something to help

bring change, in some way...

to bring hope, even through my songs

to a culture where there is so much dysfunction and

brokeness in relationships and peoples lives...

I want to write songs that will take

me to the orphanages, the prisons, the dirty streets,

the high schools and colleges

with words that will light a fire under people for change

My life is a journey, a work in progress - just as my music is...

This is one of my songs: PRISON MAN

1st VS: He slammed the car door

yelled obscenities galore

In my face, he said "I'll do it again"

I felt the bruised heel as my body lay still

On my knees again, let me be livin'

CHORUS: These pictures will have to remain in the frame

and there will be no curtain bow as I exit this stage

cause I'm not afraid anymore

No, I'm not afraid anymore

I'm leaving this time

2nd VS: I hear his steps below

as I'm cradled on my bed

His thunder pounds

please make him quiet

I run into the streets

to find solidarity

oh this prison man is not gonna cage me, not gonna cage me

BRIDGE: I'm on the seven seas, I was walking like the dead

'till I turned around and shut him up and put him on his head,

I refuse to listen - I'm leaving the lions den

I'm gonna win this war

*copyrighted* by Kandice Holt

*a picture of me and a friend after putting on a music, arts event show

"Night of the Orphan Soul"*

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Time Traveler's Wife: Must see!

I am such a fan of Rachel McAdams

so I am 'uber' excited to see this movie on Friday!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Summery Treats

Ah...don't you just love summer weather? For me, when it gets to be in the 80 or 90 degree temperatures, I always crave something sweet that's frozen, cold, and/or fruity. I found a few recipes for some frozen/summer treats that you can make at home! I'll be honest, I haven't tried any of the following, but I'm set to make some of these tasty treats soon! Don't they look DELICIOUS! ?! *click on pictures for specific recipe*

Frozen Raspberry Layer Cake

Spiced Blueberry Soup

Strawberry Creams

Strawberry Cupcakes

Friday, August 7, 2009

Je T'aime

Yes, I think this may be the real deal...

*I love this couple*

*photographer: Courtney Jade*

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Spread Happiness

This picture is titled, "Spread Happiness"
and I think I want to do a lot of that
in my life!
It's in the little things...
  • like writing little notes to a person that needs encouragement
  • giving hugs
  • Giving mixed CD's of music saying, "this made me think of you"
  • vulnerable conversations
  • buying a strawberries & creme frapp to surprise someone
  • taking someone out to the movies
  • listening
  • throwing parties
  • laughing at jokes
  • sing a song
  • pray
  • choosing joy
  • choosing to love
  • choosing life

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I'm German inside - but I like Spanish things!

In one of Sunset Magazine's recent editions, it highlighted the following Spanish-style designer home, which I fell in love with...

I am 50% German and 50% Hispanic....

but I'm thinking I may have more Spanish in me than I thought

because I always gravitate towards the bright colors

of the latin culture!

*pictures by Sunset Mag*

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Lovely Garden/Patio Ideas

'Tis Summertime!
I love getting ideas to
have a creative & authentic space for a garden/patio
Tell me what you think of the following ideas!
I thought they were beautiful!

*Pictures all by Sunset Magazine*