Thursday, April 30, 2009

What I Like About You

Reasons to love these photos:
1. They are in a forest
2. The girl wears a bright polk-a-dot dress
3. The guy wears a stellar hat
4. The expressions and poses are classic
5. They love each other
6. The pictures are taken by Punambean Photography
*click on the photos to check out more of Punambean's incredible photos*

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Venture out on Love

As you probably have guessed, I am a hardcore romantic. But more than anything, I just have this fascination with the stories of those couples who meet. How did they meet? What made them fall in love and stay in love with each other? What are their favorite things about each other? If I could do photography, I would love to be a wedding photographer because then you can document that wonderful journey of the couple. I honestly don't believe it's a fairytale to think that true love still exists, among both young and older couples. Yes, I myself get scared at times about the possibility of being in love now days. Divorce is so high, and the commitment factor in many couples today are astoundingly low - it's frightening. But you know what? I don't want to be apart of that statistic. I want to be among the (hopefully) many that can show the world that love is for real. It takes work - hard work at times - maybe you might want to pull out your hair at the end of the day - but it's a love that sustains - and a love that knows you like no other... Isn't that such an INCREDIBLE thing to know someone that intimately!? I can say proudly that my grandparents on both sides of my family will be celebrating their 40th AND 50th anniversary this year, and they are still crazy in love with each other. I want that. Love is a beautiful thing.

The Anthropologie Dress

I have yet to buy myself a dress from that wonderfully one-of-a-kind store, Anthropologie, so my thought is that since I am currently single, I would buy myself an Anthropologie dress on the day I get engaged to that special *someone*...what do you think!?

A Crepe Recipe

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Coffee Love


One of the most important things

for me to love a place I live in is

finding the cute, boutique coffee

shop that parades the local artistry of the town.

If you ever have the chance to visit Petaluma, California

you will not be disappointed with this lovely cafe ~ The Tea Room

Monday, April 27, 2009

A Monday Melody





on my


I have ideas for another song
that I'm really excited about!

The piano playing is whimsical,
words intense...I can hear parts for a choir
and a section for violins... Sometimes I wish
I had a person to bounce these ideas off of

I love music

Friday, April 24, 2009

Restless in Petaluma

Do you remember in the movie

"While You Were Sleeping", how Sandra Bullock's

character, "Lucy" had this crazed obsession about travelling

to Florence, Italy? At one point, she spouted off a line

about needing to get her passport stamped

in Florence. How badly I can relate!

I've had this obsession with visiting Germany

ever since I was little - for whatever reason.

And today I'm getting that all too common

feeling again of restlessness.

I want to venture out and EXPLORE

I've always had a good reason for not going...

legitimate reasons, mind you! But now

I'm at the point where those things that have held

me back from going can no longer deter me.

I'm stepping out

I have a plan...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Become A Fan


*click pics for website*

I Love Amber French Photography!
Hopefully you will become a fan as well

An Unexpected Gift

Yesterday was such a good day...

I got a surprise gift waiting for me on my front desk
from the guys I work with - a bunch of small pink roses
sitting in a little pink bucket. Awwww! How sweet!

Monday, April 20, 2009

10 Gutsy Things to do in 2009

Here is a list I started with a friend of mine
to do 10 gutsy things in 2009.
Bear in mind that some of the things
on my list may not be considered
all THAT gutsy to you, but
I have yet to do these things,
and in a very small way
it does get me out of my comfort zones
Each month I will plan to do at least one thing on my list.
I will be sure and document my little adventures!
I believe everyone should try and break
out of whatever comfort zones they may have
Be adventurous! Do something out of the norm'!
1. sky-diving
2. Try an exotic food *frog legs, maybe?*
3. Go to a concert and introduce myself
to the performer *I have this fright about meeting
someone famous, or someone who could
be potentially famous - haha*
4. Align CenterCreate an interview questionaire and document
the answers with random people
5. Get a tattoo
6. Try my german out in a German restaurant or club
7. Take a dance lesson *salsa or swing*
8. Give blood
9. Wear a bikini *I've been uncomfortable
with my body, so this is my way of breaking out*
10. Ride "The Zipper" when the fair comes to town
*I've heard many death stories about this fair ride*

Sunday, April 19, 2009

My Finds

In my recent 'Urban Outfitters' excursion, which is - by the way, one of my favorite clothing stores - I found a couple of things that especially made think, "This is a must buy!"
1. This ADORABLE hat

2. A book entitled, "This is for you" by Rob Ryan.

"If you believe in love, but find it difficult to explain - this is for you." It's a unique book of pictures and simple words, capturing a man's thoughts on finding his soul mate. This book is, in a small way, an encouragement to me that says 'love is worth the wait' and there really are guys out there who want the real deal. You can buy it here!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Just For Fun

I love CANDY stores...





Thursday, April 16, 2009

Beautiful People

These are my top fav' beautiful people
They are funky, interesting,
artistic, stylish, and gorgeous:
Winona Ryder, Audrey Tatou, Agyness Deyn

Let me just say that I appreciate
jeans and t-shirt as much as the next girl,
but I LOVE being feminine
and girly, putting on funky eyeshadow
and getting dressed up every once in a while

I would love to have a picture
captured in the same way as these ladies...
maybe someday?

Agyness Deyn

Audrey Tatou

Winona Ryder

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I want to dress up
and look like a
doll for the day!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Rosie & Aaron Nace Photography:

I am such a fan of this Flickr' couple: Aaron Nace & Rosie Hardy. They are incredible photographers individually, and even better working together. They met on Flickr and both fell in love. The only problem was they lived 4500 miles apart: she living in England, and he in North Carolina. Yet, that has not stopped them from being together. Check out their amazing story of how they met at:

Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Sisters High-Tea Celebration

Right around Valentine's Day I put together a special sisters high-tea time...

got on some pretty dresses, drank lots of blueberry white tea, and ate little was a special night...after that I wrote a song for the *love of my life*

Here is my inspiration for my music, Imogen Heap's "Come Here Boy":

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Dream

Music has the ability to encompass all the emotions of the human heart. For me, to sing and play the piano is to express those thoughts and emotions I can't always articulate in complete sentences. It's a home for me - a place of safety... Cervantes said, "he who sings scares away his woes." Here's another favorite:
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
~and the night shall be filled with music
and the cares that infest the day
shall fold their tents like the Arabs
and as silently steal away~

Here is a link to one of my favorite songs from the much beloved singer, IMOGEN HEAP: