Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Curves in the road

I realize it's been a while since I've posted anything!
So much has happened these past few weeks...

I posted this picture, by photographer pink sherbet because I felt it kind of represented me and my life at times...a bit mis-matched, a bit everywhere, but still cute and innocent at the same time.

So in these last few weeks I had like a week long celebration for my 25th birthday and got to see Neko case in concert! Then I was supposed to fly out to Seattle for a week to lay down some tracks for an upcoming CD I'm to release, but things fell through with that (for a variety of reasons). On one level I'm sad about that because I was hoping to record with the producer Jay Hallstrom, and also have the chance to see good friends. But on another level it will work out better for me because I have a NEW opportunity for recording at Fantasy Studios in Berkeley! I'll be able to fit in more songs during a two day period rather than a week, and it's closer to where I it just works all the way around. I'm excited because I will officially head into the studio to record on July 13-14th.


  1. Awesome! So proud of you. Keep pluggin away, and I can't wait to hear some of your stuff.

  2. I echoe my wifes' words. It'll happen! With reference to your question, I'd go with "Unchristian" by David Kinnaman. Let me know what you think.
