Monday, May 18, 2009

DeYoung Museum

A great place to go to in San Francisco:

Deyoung Museum

My sister & I went to the Yves Saint Laurent

and Andy Warhol exhibit at the DeYoung Museum...

Talk about a stark contrast! Yves Saint Laurent & Andy Warhol couldn't have been more different!

I loved Yves Saint Laurent and thought the clothes were absolutely gorgeous!!!

Andy Warhol's exhibit was, to be honest, one of the strangest things I've ever been to

He was very weird - like, VERY weird!

Nonetheless, I just love museums, and art galleries! It's fascinating

to take a peek into someone else's life - how they see the world and express

that through creativity


  1. Oh, what a wonderful outing! Yes, Warhol was an interesting fellow. There's a great movie about him called Factory Girl. Awesome. Rent it. You must.

    And if you're in the mood for more strange artists, Salvador Dali could give Mr. Warhol a run for his money. Seriously. He was crazy.

  2. I JUST went to the DeYoung... i had no idea about the clothes there!! Was that just an exhibition? We just looked at the American art--the hudson collection was beee-u-tiful!!
