Friday, May 29, 2009


Last night one of the local high schools
had a dance party - called "THE REMIX"
which I was asked to help be a chaperone for...
The theme involved everyone dressing up
in bright, funky colors
Here are some pictures with a couple of
the other chaperones! We had a great time...I love dressing up!

I LOVED my SHOES! Thrift store for only $1.00!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance

My favorite TV summer program has just started!!!
I Loooovveee So You Think You Can Dance! I'm absolutely addicted to the show.
I'm not a dancer myself, but I'm completely fascinated
by the amount of work and effort it takes to become such a gifted and talented dancer
If I wasn't a musician, I think I would've liked to be a dancer...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Burger Weekend

Don't you just love soaking in those three day weekends?!

I so thoroughly enjoyed myself that I was slow getting up for work

this morning!

I ate WAY too much: everything from pizza to ice cream, and burgers two days in a row.

And let me just say, I've eaten many burgers in my life, but there

is no comparison to the burgers you get from IN-N-OUT.

I'd like a cheeseburger, fries and a strawberry shake please!

Mmmm! You should take a roadtrip to California

just to eat this bit of goodness!

Enjoying the sun

Friday, May 22, 2009

My Vote is In!

Voted: Most Likely to Wear

Voted: Best Layout

Voted: Most Vintage

Voted: Best Costume

Voted: Most Interesting

Voted: Most Exotic

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Favorite

The other day I was at a Hallmark store, picking up a gift for my Grandparents 50th wedding anniversary...and I got a bit side-tracked with all these cool "knick-knack" things that's packaged so well by the store. I ended up getting a hot pink gift bag holding a package of gummiworm flip-flops tied with a yellow bow (YES, I know! How cute is that!?) along with a black martini glass that said, "Designated Diva". I KNEW I had to get this for my sister, Kristen. Random, I know...the gift wasn't for any apparent reason but simply because her and I are best friends and I like to make her day feel special. We always have this phrase we say to eachother, "You're my favorite". Love you sis

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

More Kisses

I just love kissee photos!
Here are some more that I like
Two of them being from
Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Summer clothes

It's only Tuesday but I'm already thinking about the weekend!

I'm in desperate need of summer clothes and I've made the

plan for this Saturday to do some major shopping - hit the local shops downtown

like this fantastic boutique, "Splendid little shoppe"

then explore all the treasure troves hidden in thrift stores!

There's some great finds!

Hoping to get:

1. a couple of bright colored tanks and fun tees

2. funky flats

3. a pair of shorts/bermuda shorts

4. a swirly skirt

5. A bathing suit *it's been YEARS*

6. A summer dress

Favorite colors to wear:

1. Red

2. Yellow

3. Orange

4. Purple

5. Green

6. Teal

7. Black

Monday, May 18, 2009

DeYoung Museum

A great place to go to in San Francisco:

Deyoung Museum

My sister & I went to the Yves Saint Laurent

and Andy Warhol exhibit at the DeYoung Museum...

Talk about a stark contrast! Yves Saint Laurent & Andy Warhol couldn't have been more different!

I loved Yves Saint Laurent and thought the clothes were absolutely gorgeous!!!

Andy Warhol's exhibit was, to be honest, one of the strangest things I've ever been to

He was very weird - like, VERY weird!

Nonetheless, I just love museums, and art galleries! It's fascinating

to take a peek into someone else's life - how they see the world and express

that through creativity

Friday, May 15, 2009

Fantastical Poetry

I had to share this poem I found on Le Love
one of the most beautiful poems I've ever heard!
p.s. I like putting flowers in my hair
"I want to be a lost poem in a stranger's coat pocket, that conveys the importance of you.To assure you of my desire, to assure you of dreams. I want all the possibilities of you in writing.I want to give you your reflection, I want your eyes on me, I want to travel to the lightness with you and stay there, and I want everything before you......everything before you to follow us like a trail behind me.I want never to say goodbye to you, even on the street corner or the phone.I want, I want so much... I'm breathless.I want to put my power into a poem to burn a hole in your pocket so I can sew it.I want my words to scream through you. I want the poem not to mean that much.And I want to contradict myself by accident, and for you to know what I mean.I want you to be distant and for me to feel you close, I want endless days when it's day and... nighttime never to end when it's night.I want all the seasons in one day. I want the sun to set before us and come up in front of us.I want water up to our waists and to be drenched by the rain, up to our ankles with holes in our shoes....with holes in our shoes. I want to think your thoughts because they're mine.I want only what's urgent with you.I want to get in the way of the barriers and I want you to be a tough guy when you're supposed to,like you do already....when you're supposed to. And I want you to be tender, like you do already.And I want us to have met for a reason and I want that reason to be important.And I want it to be bigger than us, I want it to take over us.I want to forget. I want to remember us.And when you say you love me I don't want to think you really mean New York City, and all the fun we have in it.And I want your smile always, and your grimaces too.I want your scar on my lips, and I want your disappointments in my heart.I want your strength in my soul and I want your soul in my eyes.I want to believe everything you say, and I do.And I want you to tell me what's best when I don't know.And when you're lost I want to find you.And when you're weary I want to give you steeples and cathedral thoughts and coliseum dreams.I want to drag you from the darkness and kneel with you exhausted with the blinding light blaring on us... and..."- by: chelsea walls

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Crossroads Trading Co.

Crossroads Trading Company is a favorite

clothing store of mine! You can

buy AND sell your clothes to them getting

cash back or trade in for their clothes.

Most often when I sell my clothes, I

end up just buying more clothes from them. *hehe*

Their stores are located throughout

California, Oregon, Seattle, and Chicago!

I love, love, love this store!
*click pictures for link to store site*

I would wear this outfit...

with these shoes...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

All in the Look

I just like this picture so much
thought I would share with you
Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What I've Been Listening to...

Sia is one of my favorite musical artists. Her music is quirky/wonderful/beautiful, and something I've been listening to alot of lately. I can be a pretty melancholy person, so her music is food to my soul. Give her a listen. The song, "breathe" is one of my personal favs.

Madre's weekend & the Cupcake Disaster

This past Sunday was of course a very special day - Mother's Day!
My sister & I worked hard on putting a french/garden themed luncheon
together for her. We went out to a beautiful park outside of the city and setup
a picnic table that had elegant decorations and place settings. We were pretty
pleased with ourselves! The food was delicious, because we got some of the sandwiches
from the place I mentioned before, "La Boulange." However, my biggest disappointment
was the cupcakes I prepared! I can't even begin to describe the horrible mess the cupcakes
morphed into...I tried using a recipe that had this beautiful design for "sunflower cupcakes"
and, gosh - dang it! I couldn't create that cool petal effect for the icing!
So instead of it looking like a sunflower, it looked more like a scary spider or something
Ah, well. Despite the disaster, my mom seemed to enjoy herself out in nature and
with her that is what was important.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Special Mothers Day

Mother's Day is this Sunday, and I'm already in the
planning stages for what to do for her. My sister & I
try and do something meaningful each year, so for this year
our plan is to host a garden themed tea-lunch. We have
a nice outdoor wooden table that would go perfect for
this occasion! I'll try and post pictures up after the weekend
is over. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

One Kiss

You knew this was coming...

I just love kiss-eee pictures
Oh, and look at the cute dress!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

La Boulange

I have a found a new favorite cafe & bakery! In fact, I'll be heading over there for lunch today. My stomach is already growling in anticipation of this guilty pleasure. I don't know about you, but breads are my biggest downfall, so if there is a place that sells GOOD bread -oh, I'm in -all the way. This wonderful french bakery actually has several locations! So whenever you take a visit to California, check out their site at: and find the place that's right for you! My favorite of the many choices on their menu is their croissant sandwich *see above* and their macaroon cookies. If you're on a diet, it's the day to throw it out the window and enjoy it's yummy goodness.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Summer Love

I'm ready for summer because I love:

1. warm evenings & clear night skies

2. eating gelato outside from the local sweet shoppe

3. sprinklers

4. barbeques - hot dogs & cheeseburgers - MMmmmm!

5. Wearing strappy tanks & flip flops

6. Bonfires on the beach

7. Picnics at the park

8. Outdoor concerts & music festivals

9. Driving with the windows rolled down

*I wish I could say with the top down, but I don't have a cool convertible :)*

10. Picking out fresh fruit from the Farmer's Market

11. Anthropologies summer collection

12. water balloon fights

13. Blockbuster movie hits

14. Road trips and weekend excursions

So what are some of the highlights of summer for you!?! Do tell!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Just Because

Just because...
I love this....

Trophy Cupcakes

If you love cupcakes as much as I do
you will LOVE this place!
It's called "Trophy Cupcakes" and has
its shop setup in the Wallingford Center of Seattle.
Click here to find out more!
*P.S. I'm coming back to Seattle for a visit in June - I'm SO excited!*

Monday, May 4, 2009

What a fantastic weekend!

What an awesome weekend!
I put on my Kentucky Derby party hat
(a big floppy, black hat with polk-a-dots),
put in a bid for the horse that I thought would win
(I lost twice, but won twice - yeah!)
Ate lots of ice cream with strawberry topping
Drank plenty of sweet "texas" tea - Mmmmm!
Had a wonderful time playing with the band, "Strangers"
on Sunday night. I was NERVOUS, but it all worked out in the end.
Then to celebrate, I had strawberry shortcake afterwards!
I didn't want it to end!